What is Cocaine Anonymous

“Cocaine Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem, and help others to recover from their addiction.”

The best way to reach someone is to speak to them on a common level. The members of C.A. are all recovering addicts who maintain their individual sobriety by working with others. We come from various social, ethnic, economic and religious backgrounds, but what we have in common is addiction.

“The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using cocaine and all other mind-altering substances.”

Anyone who wants to stop using cocaine and all other mind-altering substances (including alcohol and other drugs) is welcome.

“There are no dues or fees for membership; we are fully self-supporting through our own contributions.”

We do ask for voluntary contributions at meetings to cover expenses such as coffee, rent, literature and services to help those who are still suffering. However, newcomers need not feel obligated to contribute. We do not accept donations from organizations or individuals outside the fellowship.

“We are not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution. We do not wish to engage in any controversy and we neither endorse nor oppose any causes.”

In order to maintain our integrity and avoid any possible complications, we are not affiliated with any outside organization. Although C.A. is a spiritual program, we do not align ourself with any religion. Our members are free to define their spirituality as they see fit. Our individual members may have opinions of their own, but C.A. as a whole has no opinion on outside issues. We are not affiliated with any rehabs, recovery houses or hospitals, but many do refer their patients to Cocaine Anonymous to maintain their sobriety.

“Our primary purpose is to stay free from cocaine and all other mind-altering substances, and to help others achieve the same freedom.”

The only purpose of Cocaine Anonymous is to offer recovery to individuals who are suffering from addiction. Our experience has shown that the most effective way to attain and maintain sobriety is to work with others suffering from the same malady.

We use the Twelve Steps of Recovery, because it has already been proven that the Twelve-Step recovery program works.

Self Test for Cocaine Addiction

1. Do you ever use more cocaine than you planned?

2. Has the use of cocaine interfered with your job?

3. Is your cocaine use causing conflict with your spouse or family?

4. Do you feel depressed, guilty, or remorseful after you use cocaine?

5. Do you use whatever cocaine you have almost continuously until the supply is exhausted?

6. Have you ever experienced sinus problems or nosebleeds due to cocaine use?

7. Do you ever wish that you had never taken that first line, hit, or injection of cocaine?

8. Have you experienced chest pains or rapid or irregular heartbeats when using cocaine?

9. Do you have an obsession to get cocaine when you don’t have it?

10. Are you experiencing financial difficulties due to your cocaine use?

11. Do you experience an anticipation high just knowing you are about to use cocaine?

12. After using cocaine, do you have difficulty sleeping without taking a drink or another drug?

13. Are you absorbed with the thought of getting loaded even while interacting with a friend or loved one?

14. Have you begun to use drugs or drink alone?

15. Do you ever have feelings that people are talking about you or watching you?

16. Do you use larger doses of drugs or alcohol to get the same high you once experienced?

17. Have you tried to quit or cut down on your cocaine use only to find that you couldn’t?

18. Have any of your friends or family suggested that you may have a problem?

19. Have you ever lied to or misled those around you about how much or how often you use?

20. Do you use drugs in your car, at work, in the bathroom, on airplanes, or other public places?

21. Are you afraid that if you stop using cocaine or alcohol your work will suffer or you will lose your energy, motivation, or confidence?

22. Do you spend time with people or in places you otherwise would not be around but for the availability of drugs?

23. Have you ever stolen drugs or money from friends or family?

If you have answered Yes to any of these questions, you may have a cocaine problem. There is an answer…come to meetings of Cocaine Anonymous, read the literature and join us…we want to help.